Our Classrooms

k teachers


As students begin their school experience in Kindergarten, they will learn foundational skills and knowledge that they will carry with them throughout their educational careers. In math, they will learn about counting to 100 by 1, 5, and 10, adding/subtracting within numbers 1-10 and basic 2D and 3D shapes. 

In English Language Arts, they will learn story elements, letters/sounds to encode and decode words (especially consonant-vowel-consonant sounds), sight words and foundation of writing.

In Science, they will learn about observing world, how the world relates to themselves and how we impact/need/use/help living and non-living things.

In Social Studies, they will learn basic holidays, famous TN symbols and people/social skills. 

2nd grade team

Second Grade

The second grade skills taught include all of the following and more. In math, students will learn about telling time, place value, money, shapes and addition/subtraction.

In ELA, students will learn about fairytales, non-fiction stories, folktales and themed fiction stories. They also learn grammar, phonics and all types of writing skills.

In Social Studies and Science, students will learn about economy, animal habitats, animals, the butterfly life cycle and sound.

Fourth Grade

In math, students learn about multiplicative comparisons, division, adding/subtracting fractions and measuring angles.

In ELA, students learn about poetry, discussing author's written works, using text evidence to create essays and becoming stronger readers.

In Social Studies, students learn about the events that led to the American Revolution, the formation of a national government and exploring the causes and effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

In Science, students will learn about energy in all its forms. They will them discover how energy affects the world around us through experiments, discussions and research.

first grade team


First Grade

First Graders love to learn, and we love to teach them! In Math, students learn about different strategies to solve problems in addition and subtraction, telling time, place value, money, geometry, and more!

In English Language Arts, we read and learn about folktales, fairytales, and lots of great fiction and non-fiction stories. We also learn foundational skills through our grammar, phonics, text features and writing skills.

In Social Studies and Science, students learn about our economy, animals, Tennessee, our sun and moon, and light and dark. We actually have real living things in our classrooms, and the list goes on!


Third Grade

In third grade, students learn all of the following skills and more. In ELA, we determine theme and main ideas in a text, describe characters and how their actions contribute to the sequence of events, use text features to locate relevant information, compare and contrast texts, and distinguish point of view. We also learn to write narratives, opinion pieces and informative essays.

In math, we learn multiplication and division, rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, using fractions to represent parts of a whole, elapsed time and categorizing shapes by attribute.

In Science, we study matter, energy, force, animal and plant adaptations and the solar system.

In Social Studies, we learn the continents, 50 states, major countries and physical features around the world, TN's economy, Native American culture, European exploration and early North American settlements.

We have such fun content in 3rd grade! We're excited to teach your kiddos this year!